Tuesday, October 29, 2013

12 by 18 poster

I used warm colors to give a feeling of kindness. In the design I used a simple font with straight edges to make it look simple and straight forward. I used a gradient value to bring the viewers eye across the poster. I used the size to represent what is more important. I used straight line to make it look simple  like it says in the quote. I used a brick texture to make it look simple with a natural feeling to it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Junior Prom tickets

For this design i used falling leaves and a pumpkin to give a appearance of fall which is the Theme. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013


I used black and white, 3D look, large font , Black on white is clearly displayed in the design.

Large font, Blod font, Dark font, Bright red font, The words loud is falling apart.

This design was made simple and straight forward, with a clear focal point. The design is not to complicated with a suggestive look.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Gradient Design

Gradient Design
I used The gradients to try to make a sense of wonder for the design. The design makes the viewer wonder what is going on. 

Letter, line, cover, and pattern design

 Letter Design
In this design I made large parts of the background letter come off the page to create wonder. I used Twist, Pucker, and Bloat to also create wonder in the letters.
 Line Design
In this design I got it so the viewer is wondering where the wonder is. The sphere is the symbol of wonder. It is coming out in the open and revealing the wonder of The design and 2pac.
 Cover Design
In this design The moon, easter island head, and the Bigfoot are symbolic for the theme of wonder.
The Design has to focal points giving it a sense of wonder. 
Pattern Design
In this Design i put very little white to create wonder in the design. The focal point is not one solid object it is a pattern which i feel creates a wonder feeling in the design.

Color Design

Color Design
In this design the easter island heads, alien head, and 2pac are symbolic to the theme wonder. I used the primary color scheme to intensify the wonder in the design. 


my Pretty Paper Clips =D